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Pelvic Floor Treatment for Prenatal and Postnatal

illustration of pelvic floor muscle in pregnancy | Pelvic Floor Treatment

Pelvic Floor

The pelvic floor muscles are located between the tailbone (coccyx) and the pubic bone within the pelvis. These muscles work like a hammock to brace organs such as the uterus, bladder, and rectum. In doing so, the pelvic floor promotes healthy bowel and bladder control along with comfort. If something goes wrong with your pelvic floor, it can affect the function in that region. Among other causes, pregnancy and childbirth can lead to issues in the pelvic floor.

Pelvic Floor Changes During Pregnancy

Being pregnant can loosen up the muscles and connective tissues such as ligaments that need to work well for good pelvic floor function. This loosening effect is due to hormones (progesterone, estrogen, and relaxin) that increase when you have a baby on the way. These hormones can act to soften the ligaments so that the muscles may not be as tightly interconnected together. The point of this loosening is to eventually allow a baby to pass through the birth canal more easily. As your uterus expands and you gain weight, more pressure bears down on your pelvic floor, which can contribute to a loss of support.

With the delivery of a baby comes trauma to the pelvic floor. The muscles of the pelvic floor are stretched, strained, and often torn during the process. Without proper rehabilitation of the muscles, you may develop urinary incontinence, lower back pain, pelvic organ prolapse, and more.

Pelvic Floor Treatment

Depending on your needs, our therapists are trained to guide you through preparing the pelvic floor for labour and delivery, and rehabilitating these muscles following birth. A routine prenatal treatment program is recommended to check if the pelvic floor is functioning optimally. For postnatal, a consistent treatment program of every four to six weeks after giving birth is ideal. If in doubt, please seek professional advice.

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