It is natural for you to want to understand more about a medical procedure before undergoing treatment. After all, every treatment carries its benefits and risks. You would likely have similar sentiments about shockwave therapy. Well, let us reassure you that shockwave therapy is a safe and effective treatment for localised musculoskeletal pain.
That said, every individual is unique and responds differently to treatment. Shockwave therapy may be ideal for one patient but not suitable for someone else. So how do you know if this treatment is right for you? Let us share the pros and cons of the procedure so that you can make an informed decision.
What is Shockwave Therapy?
Shockwave therapy is a clinically proven non-invasive procedure used to treat various musculoskeletal pain. Our therapists will use a device to send rapid percussion shock waves into your soft tissues or outer bone layers. This is done to re-injure the problem area on a cellular level in a controlled manner and break up any scarring that has developed in your fascia layers, ligaments, muscles, or tendons.
This process helps stimulate the production of bone-forming cells and micro-blood vessels. The resulting neovascularization (growth of new blood vessels to an old damaged area) promotes faster healing and better nutrient supply to the healing tissues.
Shockwave therapy is best suited for patients afflicted with pain for 6 weeks or longer.