Try these 4 daily stretches to achieve quality sleep!
1. Lower Lunge Stretch
- This stretch aims to release tension in the hip flexors, glutes, and lower back.
- Ensure that you keep the hips low and level with each other.
- Hold for 5 breaths. Release and repeat on the other side.
Be sure to stop if you feel worsening pain as you are stretching.
2. Child’s Pose
- Child’s Pose is perfect for tuning into your breath, relaxing the body, and reducing stress.
- It also helps to relieve pain and tension in the back, shoulders, and neck.
- Hold the stretch for 5 minutes.
Be sure to stop if you feel worsening pain as you are stretching.
3. Legs Up The Wall Pose
- This is a restorative pose that helps to reduce tension in the back, shoulders, and neck while promoting relaxation.
- Place a cushion under your hips for support and a bit of elevation.
- Hold the stretch for 10 minutes.
Be sure to stop if you feel worsening pain as you are stretching.
4. Seated Forward Fold
- This stretch helps releases tension in the hamstrings and calves.
- Try to engage your abdominal slightly to lengthen your spine, pressing your sit bones into the floor.
- Hold the stretch for 5 minutes.
Be sure to stop if you feel worsening pain as you are stretching.
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